Allow Myself to Introduce Myself
First of all, welcome. I appreciate you taking the time to check this out. I know in this industry, often more than many, time is money, and I hope to make that time worth it.
A few of you may know me by now and can fully understand not only why I created this blog, but also where the name came from. But many of you don’t. In fact, you’re probably already thinking, “Who is this guy?” So, as the international man of myster would say, “Allow myself to introduce…myself.”
Did you ever have that moment? You know, the one where the clouds part and the voices sing loud and all of a sudden you know exactly what you’re supposed to do in life?
Me neither.
But I did grow up loving two seemingly unrelated things, Lego and sports. It wasn’t until high school, when it was becoming extremely evident I had no career opportunities in sports, that I came to the realization the two could be combined. Thus began the journey into construction.
Now let me assure you, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. In fact, it was downright chaotic at times. But in the late 2000s I did finally realize that dream combo as part of the preconstruction team on TD Ameritrade Park (now Charles Schwab Field) in Omaha, NE. At that same time though, the world of technology was evolving. With the launch of the iPhone and shortly after the AppStore, suddenly the perception of how technology could shape our construction world had drastically changed.
It wasn’t long until I realized that, being a product of the late 80s and early 90s, our generation had just the right aptitude to take advantage of this evolution. I quickly began volunteering for “digital transformations” (I know, crazy right?) and zig-zagging my way through some pretty neat roles in the industry. From beginning as simply a subject matter expert at Kiewit to orchestrating Google’s search for a construction management platform - yes, that Google - I’ve been on all sides of the ConTech table.
And, for the last decade or so, I’ve found myself learning from more of a driver’s seat, helping transform the way the construction world embraces technology to manage projects. Spoiler alert: though it’s been tried, it’s not solved with duct tape and baling wire.
So that’s me. I’m here not only to spice up your construction tech newsfeed, but to actually make it understandable. To not just slap buzzwords into search engines (OK, maybe sometimes, but only the really good buzzwords), but to cut through the noise and show off tech that’s solving real problems.
It’s about using what I’ve experienced to be part industry whisperer, part innovation hype man and part “Let’s blow the dust off these old workflows and actually make them work.” I’m a big believer that technology isn’t just about shiny new gadgets but about empowering people, people like you, to do what you do best, better. To pivot quickly, to make smarter decisions and to actually stay ahead of schedule (for once).
And when I’m not evangelizing about tech, you’ll likely find me showing off this amazing construction industry we all take pride in being a part of. From the joys of discovering incredible architecture to the thrill of seeing a crane operator execute the perfect pick, there is so much to love about construction. For me, I simply choose to embrace it, this EngiNerd life.
I may even throw in an occasional look from outside of work, where I’m just a family guy with a curious brain and a border-line unhealthy addiction to Lego.
So, while my title may read Chief Evangelist at Kahua during the day, don’t worry, there shouldn’t be any preaching here. At least, not often. Stick around and we’ll explore how the construction industry can step boldly into the future - preferably without tripping over any rebar along the way. Let’s build something amazing together (and maybe even crack a few jokes while we’re at it).
Construction is cool, tell your friends!