Why Your ConTech Should Be Gaining Value—Not Losing It
AJ Waters AJ Waters

Why Your ConTech Should Be Gaining Value—Not Losing It

If you’re thinking of your software the same way you think about a company truck—that is, as something that just loses value over time—you’re missing the entire point. The right ConTech appreciates in value. Not just because it gets newer, better features (which it absolutely should), but because its impact on your organization grows year after year.

That is, if you take care of it.

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Why Admitting Your Mistakes Builds Credibility (and How to Do It Right)
AJ Waters AJ Waters

Why Admitting Your Mistakes Builds Credibility (and How to Do It Right)

Mistakes happen. Period. In construction, in leadership, in life—they’re just inevitable. But what separates great people from mediocre ones isn’t avoiding mistakes; it’s how they handle them.

The willingness to admit mistakes upfront doesn’t make you weak, on the contrary it shows honesty; it builds credibility, fosters trust and strengthens teams. I know, this sort of idea flies in the face of the traditional machismo mindset in construction—the ole’ “just figure it out and don’t let anyone see you sweat” approach—but hear me out.

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Why Big Tech Keeps Failing at Construction Tech (and What to Look for Instead)
AJ Waters AJ Waters

Why Big Tech Keeps Failing at Construction Tech (and What to Look for Instead)

Let’s say you’re in the market for new technology to support your construction business. It’s easy to be drawn to the big names in Silicon Valley - the global hub of innovation, home to trillion-dollar companies that have transformed entire industries. On the surface, it makes sense. Why wouldn’t the tech giants, with their vast resources and cutting-edge solutions, be the best choice?

Well, if your challenge involves construction or capital project management, you might be looking in the wrong place.

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The Strongest Muscle in Construction: The Heart
AJ Waters AJ Waters

The Strongest Muscle in Construction: The Heart

When you start to consider what muscle might be the strongest for use on a project, there are likely a few core groupings that come to mind. The arms, the legs or even the back all make excellent arguments for the top spot. But if we’re being honest with ourselves, none of these muscles mean a darn thing when it comes to surviving the often-cruel environment of construction.  

What then, is the strongest muscle in construction? 

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The One Skill That Sets You Apart (and Most People Overlook)
AJ Waters AJ Waters

The One Skill That Sets You Apart (and Most People Overlook)

In a world that prioritizes technical expertise, certifications and specialized knowledge, one skill quietly outshines them all - problem solving. Yet, despite its importance, it remains one of the most overlooked skills in the workplace. Why? Because problem-solving isn’t always easy to quantify.

But want to know the best part? Problem-solving skills can be developed over time.

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Why Most Digital Transformations Fail (and Three Steps to Fix it)
AJ Waters AJ Waters

Why Most Digital Transformations Fail (and Three Steps to Fix it)

Digital transformation is the promised shiny beacon of hope to solve all your company's problems and revolutionize operations. But the facts are, four of five digital transformations fail.

Well, they don’t just fail, they fail spectacularly.

How do you ensure your company’s digital transformation is that one that delivers on its promise?

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Out-of-the-Box Platforms are Stifling Innovation
AJ Waters AJ Waters

Out-of-the-Box Platforms are Stifling Innovation

The idea of a one-size-fits-all, out-of-the-box platform solution is a myth. That’s right, the tech junky said it. Construction technology has created its own monster.

The “platform” concept as we know it is stifling innovation.

But there’s a solution right under our nose. Don’t believe me? I’ll prove it to you.

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Allow Myself to Introduce Myself
AJ Waters AJ Waters

Allow Myself to Introduce Myself

Did you ever have that moment? You know, the one where the clouds part and the voices sing loud and all of a sudden you know exactly what you’re supposed to do in life?

Me neither.

From growing up on Lego to working on TD Ameritrade Park, this is my journey of blending tech, construction, and innovation. Dive into insights, humor, and a love for building a better industry in TheEngiNerdLife.

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